[John 15:7-11] If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit, and so prove to be My disciples.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Joy is sandwiched between love and
peace, it is the butter, cheese or whatever you like to put on your
bread. The two slices of bread are love and peace. The Bread of Life,
which came down from heaven (Jesus), said:
MA'ASER & MINIAN (Deutsch)
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Die alten Israeliten und die nach dem Exil als Juden bezeichneten Menschen gaben immer den Zehnten und die ersten Banken nutzen Ma’aser als machtvolles Geld-Management.
Das fing mit der Sintflut an und setzte sich fort bis Abraham, der dem König des Friedens – Melchisedek – begegnete, der König von Salem und Hoher Priester des Allerhöchsten Gottes El Elyon war.
Salem ist anderer Name für Ir Shalom – Jerusalem, die Stadt des Friedens. Melchisedek hat keinen aufgezeichneten Stammbaum, keinen Anfang und kein Ende seiner Tage. Wer war er? Meiner Meinung nach war er einer der Schüler Henochs, ein Überwinder und Frieden-Stifter, der auf die Erde kam, um die Stadt des Friedens zu gründen, die schließlich eine große Rolle in der Weltgeschichte spielen sollte – angefangen beim Tempel Salomos und die Opfer bis hin zum ultimativen Opfer am Kreuz.
Melchisedek kam und verließ unbemerkt die Sphäre der Zeit und Erfassbarkeit. Daher reden wir hier von Menschen, die in einer anderen Dimension leben – ein Bereich, mit dem ich nur teilweise vertraut bin.
Das fing mit der Sintflut an und setzte sich fort bis Abraham, der dem König des Friedens – Melchisedek – begegnete, der König von Salem und Hoher Priester des Allerhöchsten Gottes El Elyon war.
Salem ist anderer Name für Ir Shalom – Jerusalem, die Stadt des Friedens. Melchisedek hat keinen aufgezeichneten Stammbaum, keinen Anfang und kein Ende seiner Tage. Wer war er? Meiner Meinung nach war er einer der Schüler Henochs, ein Überwinder und Frieden-Stifter, der auf die Erde kam, um die Stadt des Friedens zu gründen, die schließlich eine große Rolle in der Weltgeschichte spielen sollte – angefangen beim Tempel Salomos und die Opfer bis hin zum ultimativen Opfer am Kreuz.
Melchisedek kam und verließ unbemerkt die Sphäre der Zeit und Erfassbarkeit. Daher reden wir hier von Menschen, die in einer anderen Dimension leben – ein Bereich, mit dem ich nur teilweise vertraut bin.
Friday, August 17, 2012
[Deuteronomy 27:26 NASB] ‘Cursed is he who does not confirm the words of this law by doing them.’ And all the people shall say, ‘Amen.’
This injunction sort of gave the teachers of law the Carte Blanche to pile up on their subjects not only what’s been originally written, but also their subjective interpretations of the Torah. In a course of time, rabbinical, and later on also the pharisaic interpretations have become as final and holy as the original Law of Moses.
This burdening of people peaked at the time of Jesus. Many proselytes (converts to Judaism) were heavily indoctrinated to keep even much tighter gridlock of the law than those born Jewish. But not much has changed since. Today any new convert to Judaism (Orthodox) pretty much passes through the same process and ends up stuck in the letter of the law.
Friday, August 10, 2012

It began with Noah’s flood and continued on all the way to Abraham who met with the King of Peace, Melchizedek the king of Salem, who was the high priest of El Elyon (God Most High).
Jerusalem’s name, Ir Shalom, means the City Of Peace. Melchizedek had no recorded genealogy, no beginning and no end of days. Who was he? It is my opinion that he was one of Enoch’s students, an overcomer and a peacemaker who came to set up the City Of Peace, which would eventually play a major role in world’s history; starting with Solomon’s temple, sacrifices, and all the way to the ultimate sacrifice upon the cross.
Melchizedek’s stealth arrival and exit—from the realm of time and tangibility—speaks of people that live in a different dimension, a realm with which I am only partially familiar.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
[NOTES: For explanatory reasons (* … *) represent my insertions into the biblical text.]
In religion things are often fragmented and lose. Only the Holy Spirit can centralize all things and make them one.
We see that more in Christianity rather than Judaism, because Jews have returned to the study of their core calling, which is the study of the TORAH, but in Christianity sacraments and observances have replaced the study of God's word. Sermons often deal with isolated pieces of Scripture producing a maze of ideas, like a puzzle that does not fit; at least not yet. Only those that have the Holy Spirit, or rather have yielded to the Holy Spirit produce oneness.
In religion things are often fragmented and lose. Only the Holy Spirit can centralize all things and make them one.
We see that more in Christianity rather than Judaism, because Jews have returned to the study of their core calling, which is the study of the TORAH, but in Christianity sacraments and observances have replaced the study of God's word. Sermons often deal with isolated pieces of Scripture producing a maze of ideas, like a puzzle that does not fit; at least not yet. Only those that have the Holy Spirit, or rather have yielded to the Holy Spirit produce oneness.
Jesus said, [John 16:13] But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come.
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